Tuesday, 25 April 2017

PPP - Grammar Studio - Whordes of Babylon

Since I've been working at Grammar studio I've learned so many things already but one thing that both Adam and Pete have stressed to me is that it's easy to get caught up in trawling the internet for inspiration but the best inspiration is all around us.. in the real world!!

Grammar studio isn't a cliche graphic design studio with bright white walls and minimalistic decor. Grammar studio is situated in the attic of a working mill and full of what Pete likes to call the 'Whordes of Babylon'. Pete collects inspiration items such as retro toys, old adverts/magazines or just about anything that may influence the way he works. When he is given a brief instead of just doing a generic google search, he can look through boxes of old magazine or adverts for inspiration and actually take the time to look over the real deal in person.

This advice and way of working has really inspired me and something that I am going to start doing myself.

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