Saturday, 13 May 2017

PPP - DBA Nootropics - Logo Ideas/Intrim Crit

Here are some of the initial logo ideas that Joel initially came up with. He was trying to use our concept of combining the powders to make a 'stack'. Using three blocks to represent the 3 products and how they come together to form a structure.

After having a group discussion on the logos, we decided that they seem quite clinical and probably not that appropriate for our target audience. The three blocks remind me of a racing car branding and I think the use of a cross is too obvious. However, the subtle use of the three lines under our brand name could work with possibly a different colour scheme.

Here are the initial logos Chris came up with. Chris also used the concept of the combination of powders to form a structure. He came up with this symbol that is based on blocks forming on top of one another and creating a stack, similar to our product. The pattern also has a similarity to typical Greek patterns.

Although the designs fit our concept and look nice, I don't think they fit our target audience or brand ethos. The thick black lines and sharp edges, are not approachable and I don't think fit with out concept of herbal remedies.

Interim Crit

After an interim crit with the guys from DBD where we presented our concept and idea so far. The team seemed extremely keen on our idea, however, after presenting our logo ideas so far they thought that we should change the direction we were heading in. They suggested that we build on the concept of herbal remedies and the Greek goddess idea. They referred us to Neil's Yard for packaging inspiration and to Chris Mitchell for character illustrations. Our current logos appear clinical and don't appeal to our target audience. They explained that our concept was strong and that we should work that into our design work further.

Neils yard:

Chris Mitchell:

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